The Story (Part II)

While Aaron is now welcome to Midian and joins the "Tribes of the Moon", Lori has a hard time dealing with his death, what he supposedly has done and the "theft" of his corpse. So she decides to take a look around Midian herself hoping to find some answers.

On the graveyard she rescues Babette, Rachel's daughter, from the sunlight and to say thank you, Rachel tells her that what she is looking for is here. But before Lori can find out more, Lylesburg, the leader of the Nightbreed, interrupts them. They disappear downstairs under the earth and wanting to know more, Lori follows them after a moment. But after running into Peloquin, she quickly heads back upstairs.

More danger lurks above the ground for Lori, as Decker has followed her here and is convinced that her death will bring out Boone. And he was right, with the exception that Aaron can save her. But Decker can escape and after torturing out infos from a close by resident about the Nightbreed he informs the local police and the detective involved with Boone's case.

Underground Lori gets a closer look at the Nightbreed, while Boone is going deeper into the ground to face Baphomet. In the end both are leaving Midian, but on the surface Aaron is again arrested for murders committed by Decker. The sheriff sents out some men to the graveyard, where they meet Ohnaka. They drag him out to the sunlight which is fatal and convinces the police to raid the place.

Part I I Part III

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